Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Let's Talk About Teething.

Also known as The Worst Effing Thing in the World, teething is a pain in the ass. Why can't they all come in at the same time and just make it 3 days of pure hell? Instead, they come in one at a time - the tooth moves up and down, causing pain and anguish. They finally break the skin (I shudder just thinking about it) and slowly rise up. I felt Collins gums today, and lo and behold, she's got another one right next door, about to pop out. I don't know how long the teething phase lasts, but Maggie Seitz told me Emery had a tooth coming in recently, and she's almost 2. I would take 2 days - even 2 weeks - of constant torture over 2 years of intermittent hell. It's like ripping off a bandaid or tweezing your eyebrows.

Not that I would know much about tweezing - I look like Groucho Marx right now. It's on my list of things to do, okay? Lay off me.

Not that I blame her, but this kid has a big chip on her shoulder today. I finally got her down for a nap, so the screaming has ceased, if only for a couple hours. Well now, I have a big chip on my shoulder too! Her agony is contagious.

Clayton had to go to Lincoln for a career fair, to represent Burns and McDonnell. I will say this again, "Where is HR for this kind of shit?" I need my husband HOME. I could never ever ever be a single mother. If I was a single mother, I would be an alcoholic single mother. Just 5 or 6 shots, just to take the edge off. I don't know how they do it. At night, especially! Don't make fun of me, yes I know I'm 26, but I'm afraid of the dark. It feels really good to get that off my chest. I would rather the dog lay his tootsie-roll size turds on the floor (sometimes he eats them, which works out really well for me) and then have to clean it up, than take him out in the pitch darkness.

Add to that the fact that a 10-month old baby girl from KC got kidnapped from her crib the other night, and you have a bunch of on-edge mamas. Before I had a baby if I heard a story like that, I would think to myself, "How sad, I hope they find her soon!" Now, hearing a story like that makes me jump at every little sound, get up to check on her constantly, and double, triple, no quadruple check the locks. It also makes me cry and feel terribly sad and afraid for that little girl and her family. I read the KC Star website story, and it said that the search team ended their search for the night at 8:30 and will resume in the morning.

May I just say, that being a public service, you do not have the right to "take the night off" from searching high and low for this little baby girl? I understand exhaustion and fatigue, but get other shifts to take over. How many hours is that, that this baby girl is unaccounted for and not being searched for? That's like 12 hours of a free-for-all for whoever has her! That's a 12-hour head start, and that makes me really mad. If, God forbid, anything like that ever happened to my daughter or anyone I know, you bet your sweet ass every second of every day that child would be searched for until that little baby was found.

I just pray that they find her alive and well, and that law enforcement's "break" doesn't turn out to be a big mistake.

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