Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Motherhood: Feeling Hungover when you're not Hungover

I used to think that Daylight Savings Time was one of fall's greatest treats. Falling leaves, pulling out the North Face fleece, warm apple cider, and Daylight Savings Time. Some people complain about how it gets dark so much earlier, but that doesn't really bother me...especially now that I rarely venture out of the house except to take the dog out, and between 2pm and 4pm to get a half-price Route 44 Diet Coke (easy ice, please) from Sonic. Wow. Typing that out really drives home the fact that I am a hermit. A shut in. A mom.

The greatest thing about DST was that the bars stayed open one extra hour, and we made the most of that hour. Pounding shots, just because we could. Cramming 4 girls in the bathroom at The Bar so we could tease our hair and talk shit about dumb chicks, pissing off all the GDI's waiting in line to actually use it. The next morning (okay, afternoon) when we woke up and looked at the clock which read 1:00pm, we didn't feel like lazy bums, it was actually only noon - so back off. The sun setting earlier made it acceptable for us to start happy hour at 3. The point is we used DST to our advantage, staying out later and sleeping in later.

I cannot stress enough how having a baby totally effs up DST. Collins didn't get the memo about getting to sleep in. Thanks for getting up at 6:45! Who could honestly get upset at that smiling face, kicking her legs with excitement when she sees me or Clayton coming to her crib to get her up for the day? Not this girl. But her naps are totally messed up now, too, and then she passes out at 7pm because she's so tired and fussy. And then as badly as I want to try to keep her up for a couple more hours, I can't do that because I'm thisclose to passing out as well. Boo.

Just making an observation, but I have seen numerous people doing this stuff lately: posting status updates to their babies, young children, dead relatives and friends.
"Happy 6 month birthday to my little baby! I love you sooooooo much and you light up my life!"
"RIP Jane Doe. I miss you every day."

Honestly, all I can do is shake my head, roll my eyes, and write out a rude, mocking blog post. Heaven doesn't have Facebook. I'm sure Hell probably does though. Is your baby the E-Trade baby? Does he have an iPad hiding under his mattress? I just don't get it, and it makes me feel embarassed for those people who post crap like that. Its like they are just begggggggging for attention. Do they expect that their infant is going to log into their facebook account and reply to their status update, "Thanks Mom! It's been a great 6 months! Hey can you come into my room, I can't be sure but I may or may not have just shat my diaper!" Their deceased loved one is not going respond via FB, "Hey thanks pretty lady! Doing great up here! By the way - you may want to block your photo albums. The Boss up here can see them, and He's starting to get into FB to trim down the number of people He lets through the gates."

Can you imagine if they did get a response from the baby or the dead family member or friend? Hahahaaa I can just see the poster scrolling through the comments, only to see a "Thanks! :)" from whoever they are posting about. Hahaha they would shittttttttt! I guess it's hilarious in my head.

I think that social media is totally undermining the importance of interpersonal communication. No one has to call me on my birthday anymore - they just write on my wall. I admit it, I'm guilty of it too. I rarely ever write on ppl's walls for their birthday, so I'm basically a huge bitch. But I don't mean to be - I'm just outstandingly self-involved.

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